Buyer UI: Embedded Checkout Implementation Guide

Meet the Checkout UI Web-Embeds

UNIPaaS offers a robust suite of white-labeled Checkout UI Web-Embeds that are ready for immediate integration into your platform. These components are designed to streamline your development process, accelerate your launch, and enhance your customers' payment flow.

Explore our Embedded Checkout Components


UNIPaaS UI Web-Embeds provide significant advantages for platforms aiming to integrate payment functionalities:

  • Simplified development: With pre-built, white-labeled components, your development team can rapidly deploy a comprehensive payment solution, saving valuable time and resources.

  • Streamlined user experience: Implementing UNIPaaS Web-Embeds directly into your platform’s UI creates a seamless payment process for users, eliminating the need to navigate away to external payment portals.

  • Save Card for Future Payments: Securely store card details, enabling users to quickly pay in the future without re-entering their information, enhancing convenience and speed.

  • White-labeled UI: The highly customizable nature of these Web-Embeds allows you to tailor their appearance to match your platform’s branding and design, providing a consistent and professional user interface.

  • Security and compliance: Built with security and compliance in mind, these Web-Embeds adhere to industry standards for transaction security and fraud prevention, giving your users peace of mind during payments.

Implementation Steps

  1. Authorization
  2. Installation
  3. Implementation
    1. Checkout Page UI Web-Embed
    2. Digital Wallet (Apple Pay / Google Pay) UI Web-Embed
    3. Card UI Web-Embed
    4. Payment Method Selection UI Web-Embed
  4. DOM EventListeners

1. Authorization

In order to load the checkout UI Web-Embeds in your platform, an authorized API call is needed in your backend.

Generate an access token

To obtain an access token, you need first create a checkout using POST/pay-ins/checkout endpoint.

Learn more about payment creation

Below is an example of the JSON payload for creating a payment:

  "amount": 100,
  "currency": "GBP",
  "country": "GB",
  "vendorId": "66532df5d55926b2b12a874a",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "reference": "Payment123",
  "description": "Payment for service",
  "consumer": {
    "name": "",
    "reference": "CON-REF-123"

In response to this API call, you will receive a session token along with other parameters:

"sessionToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJtZXJjaGFudElkIjoiNjEwNjZkYjA2MzBmNGUzNTlkYzA4NGU5IiwibWVyY2hhbnROYW1lIjoiQWxpY2UiLCJhbW91bnQiOjEwMCwiY3VycmVuY3kiOiJHQlAiLCJlbWFpbCI6InVzZXJAZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iLCJjb3VudHJ5IjoiR0IiLCJzZWxsZXJJZCI6IjY2NWVkMjEyZmNkZjBjZmVjM2M4N2UwMiIsInZlbmRvcklkIjoiNjY1ZWQyMTJmY2RmMGNmZWMzYzg3ZTAyIiwic2NvcGVzIjpbIndlYnNka19hY2Nlc3MiLCJkaXJlY3RfZGViaXRfcmVhZCJdLCJpc1JlY3VycmluZyI6ZmFsc2UsInBheW1lbnRMaW5rSWQiOiJMa1FUMTJnTC1VIiwiaWF0IjoxNzE4NjA0ODk3LCJleHAiOjE3MTg2MDY2OTd9.tfW5IUKOdes4Lb0g5laFCyFZzySzfwe0gHo6Ohi2pqI"

This session token is necessary for loading the Checkout Page UI Web-Embed.

2. Installation

Script tag

Start with placing the following script tag element inside of the <head>of your HTML page:

<script type="application/javascript" src=""></script>

This script tag loads the JavaScript code that provides the functionality for implementing UNIPaaS UI Web-Embeds on a webpage. When the script is loaded and executed, it will create an object in the memory that contains methods for instantiating and interacting with the UI Web-Embeds.

General configuration

Place the following script tag element below the closing <body> tag of your HTML page.
This script is used to initialize and configure UNIPaaS UI Web-Embeds on a web page.

<script type="text/javascript">
  const config_general = {
    theme: {
      type: 'dark',
      variables: {
        primaryBackgroundColor: '#121A2D',
        secondaryBackgroundColor: '#18233B',
        primaryTextColor: '#D8E2FB',
        secondaryTextColor: '#7A92B5',
        primaryButtonColor: '#2F80ED',
        primaryButtonLabelColor: '#FFFFFF',
        secondaryButtonColor: '#687B97',
        buttonBorderRadius: '3px',
        primaryInputBackgroundColor: '#18233B',
        primaryInputBorderColor: '#3C517B',
        primaryInputLabelColor: '#D8E2FB',
        inputBorderRadius: '4px',
        digitalWalletButtonMode: 'white',
  const components = unipaas.components("<accessToken>", config_general);


The theme configuration allows you to customize the visual design of UNIPaaS UI Web-Embeds to match your product's branding. The theme comes with a set of pre-defined variables that are automatically applied based on the selected theme type, such as "dark" or "default". However, if you need to modify specific aspects of the theme, you can easily adjust these variables to suit your requirements. The variables can be used to override the aspects of the theme.

Below is a table that explains each variable available for customization:

theme.typestringSpecifies the theme type, such as "dark" or "default".
primaryBackgroundColorstringDefines the primary background color for the UI Web-Embeds.
secondaryBackgroundColorstringSets the secondary background color for the UI Web-Embeds.
primaryTextColorstringDetermines the color for primary text elements, including the checkout amount, vendor name, and payment method name.
secondaryTextColorstringSpecifies the color for secondary text elements, including the reference number and save card for future payments.
primaryButtonColorstringDefines the color of the Pay button.
primaryButtonLabelColorstringSets the label color on the Pay button.
secondaryButtonColorstringDetermines the color of the Chevron for selecting the checkout language.
buttonBorderRadiusstringSpecifies the border radius of the payment button, influencing its roundness.
primaryInputBackgroundColorstringDefines the background color for input fields.
primaryInputBorderColorstringSpecifies the border color for input fields.
primaryInputLabelColorstringSets the label color for input fields.
inputBorderRadiusstringSpecifies the border radius for input fields, affecting their roundness.
digitalWalletButtonModestringDetermines the display mode for digital wallet buttons, such as "white" or "black".

3. Implementation of the Embedded Checkout



Please note that when mounting a component using a selector, the component should not be mounted more than once per selector. Mounting a component more than once can lead to unexpected behavior and issues.

To avoid this, make sure to check whether the component has already been mounted before calling the mount method.

Checkout Page UI Web-Embed

The Checkout Page will load with the payment methods configured for your platform and following your checkout creation process.


Allocate the minimal space for the Checkout Page UI Web Embed as follows:
Width - 360 pixels

Create a container

Place the following script tag element below the closing </body> tag of your HTML page.
Make sure to assign a unique ID to the container so that it can be easily identified and accessed.

<div id="checkout"></div>

Create and mount an instance below the container

Create an instance of it and mount it to the container DOM node in your page. This should be done after the previous div has finished loading.

const checkout = components.create("checkout");
Example: The embedded checkout page is displayed in a modal window

Example: The embedded checkout page is displayed in a modal window

Digital Wallet (Apple Pay / Google Pay) UI Web-Embed

The Digital Wallet UI Web Embed will intelligently load the appropriate payment method, either Apple Pay or Google Pay, or none of them.

Apple Pay and Google Pay are never displayed together due to OS restrictions. Apple Pay is exclusive to Apple devices with Apple Wallet installed, while Google Pay is designed for Android devices and operates through the Google Pay app.

Browser and walletButton displayed
Safari + Apple Pay enabledApple Pay
Chrome on iOS 16 + Apple Pay enabledApple Pay
Any browser on Android + Google Pay enabledGoogle Pay
Any browser + No active Apple Pay or Google PayNo button displayed


Allocate the minimal space for the Digital Wallet UI Web-Embed as follows:
Width - 150 pixels

Create a container

Place the following script tag element below the closing </body> tag of your HTML page.
Make sure to assign a unique ID to the container so that it can be easily identified and accessed.

<div id="digital_wallet"></div>

Create and mount an instance below the container

Create an instance of it and mount it to the container DOM node in your page. This should be done after the previous div has finished loading.

const digitalWallet = components.create("digitalWallet");

Card UI Web-Embed

The Card UI Web-Embed includes two input fields for entering card details and cardholder name, a checkbox for saving the card (supporting card tokenization for returning customers), and a payment button to complete the transaction.


Allocate the minimal space for the Card UI Web Embed as follows:
Width - 340 pixels

Create a container

Place the following script tag element below the closing </body> tag of your HTML page.
Make sure to assign a unique ID to the container so that it can be easily identified and accessed.

<div id="card"></div>

Create and mount an instance below the container

Create an instance of it and mount it to the container DOM node in your page. This should be done after the previous div has finished loading.

const card = components.create("card");

Example: Card embed and Digital wallet embed are implemented on the platform's checkout page

Example: Card embed and Digital wallet embed are implemented on the platform's checkout page

Payment Method Selection UI Web-Embed

The Payment Method Selection UI Web-Embed will load with the payment methods configured for your platform and according to your checkout creation process, including relevant payment buttons to support various payment flows. However, this embed does not support displaying Apple Pay and Google Pay payment methods.


Allocate the minimal space for the Payment Method Selection UI Web-Embedas follows:
Width - 340 pixels

Create a container

Place the following script tag element below the closing </body> tag of your HTML page.
Make sure to assign a unique ID to the container so that it can be easily identified and accessed.

<div id="payment_methods_selection"></div>

Create and mount an instance below the container

can derive the payment methods from the checkout or actually write the checkout to it directly

Create an instance of it and mount it to the container DOM node in your page. This should be done after the previous div has finished loading.

const paymentMethodsSelection = components.create("paymentMethodsSelection");
Example 4

Example: 4 payment methods are available in a single embed, including Cards, Instant bank transfers, GiroPay, and EPS

4. DOM Event Listeners

The UI web-embeds generate DOM events to provide real-time updates on user activity and checkout status.

These events can be used to trigger custom actions and ensure a seamless user experience at platform's end.

Create DOM event listeners

Place the following script tag element at the very bottom, below the closing </body> tag of your HTML page.

components.on("paymentSuccess", (e) => {
    console.log("paymentSuccess", e.detail);
components.on("paymentError", (e) => {
    console.log("paymentError", e.detail);
components.on("paymentSubmission", (e) => {
    console.log("paymentSubmission", e.detail);
components.on("paymentCancel", (e) => {
    console.log("paymentCancel", e.detail);

Handle DOM events for one-time checkout components

paymentSuccessThis event is triggered when a user successfully completes a transaction. It provides real-time information to the platform, indicating that the payment has been successfully processed.Display the updated post-payment view
paymentCancelThis event is triggered when a user cancels a payment.A relevant experience tailored to the platform can be created.
paymentErrorThis event is triggered when an error occurs during the payment.A relevant experience tailored to the platform can be created.
paymentSubmissionThis event is triggered when the user attempts to make a payment by pressing the payment button.A relevant experience tailored to the platform can be created.