Onboarding Link

Onboard your vendors - No code needed

Send your vendors a link to a branded onboarding experience by your platform's payment solution.

You can pre-define general onboarding settings to make it easier for your vendor to complete the process.


Before you begin

Create a test account for you platform

Step 1 - configure general onboarding settings for all your vendors

Go to Account --> onboarding settings on the portal menu

Note that 'refresh URL' and 'return URL' fields are not mandatory, but highly recommended in order to provide a positive personal experience for your vendors.
For additional questions, consult your developer or contact to us at support@unipaas.com


Brand your vendor's experience by adding logo, brand color and your platform name to give context and increase trust.


Step 2 - Create an onboarding link for a specific vendor

Go to Vendors list on the portal menu and click the 'invite vendor' button at the top of the page.

Only the following 3 fields are mandatory:

  1. Vendor's name
  2. email
  3. Business type

We highly recommend you enter all known details about your vendors in order to save them time and effort, which will boost the vendor onboarding process conversion rate.

Remember - each piece of information you add is one less field for your vendor to fill in.

Information added in step 1 - general onboarding settings will be automatically copied to the specific vendor onboarding link settings, with the option to edit them.


Your vendors will receive the following:
Note your logo, color and name are used here to increase trust for your vendor. Also, the welcome message configured in general onboarding settings is shown on the left.


Step 3 - Send the link via Email, WhatsApp or SMS

You can customize the message text to fit your platform's copy and commonly used words. If no custom message is configured, the message will be sent with the default text shown here:


Step 4 - Track the vendors onboarding as they complete the process.

You can nudge vendors into completing the onboarding, by resending the links from the vendors list.
In the following example you can see that the vendor in the top row has not yet completed the onboarding. It is 50% done.