Additional webhooks

The following are additional webhooks that will provide notifications around authorizations,

authorization/update webhook

On every new Authorization or Authorization status change, you will receive a webhook notification to your server.

The body will include the AuthorizationResult object:

ParameterAlways AvailableTypeDescription
authorizationIdYesStringUnique ID of the Object
authorizationStatusYesEnumThe status of the Authorization. See below detailed information
currencyYesStringThe Currency of the payment
amountYesNumberThe Amount of the payment
orderidYesStringUnique ID from the merchant system
itemsYesObjectThe items of the order per item per vendor
transactionIdYesStringThe transaction ID of the specific payment operation
paymentMethodYesStringThe method of the payment (creditCard, bankTransfer, directDebit, e.t.c)
checkoutIdYesStringUnique ID of the checkout that has been paid
vendorIdYesStringUnique ID of the vendor
paymentOptionYesObjectPayment Option object that could represent card payment:
{ cardAccount: { brand: "VISA" bin: "476134" last4Digits: "1390", issuerCountry: "GB" } }

or bank transfer payment:
{ bankAccount: { brand: "Mock Bank" } }
planIdNoStringUnique ID of the recurring payment plan
subscriptionIdNoStringUnique ID of the recurring subscription
declinedReasonNoStringThe reason why payment has been declined
descriptionNoStringDescription of payment
In most cases value is taken from checkout creation
metadataNoObjectThe custom data that was used during checkout creation (this field can be used to pass some internal data through payment process)
consumerEmailNoStringThe email of buyer that made a payment
consumerIdNoStringUnique ID of the buyer
referenceYesStringUnique ID from the merchant system

payout/update webhook

Payout notifications notify you of every newly created payout and any change in the status of a payout. The webhook notification gets sent to your server.

The body will include the PayoutResult object:

ParameterAlways AvailableTypeDescription

ewallet/create webhook

Account notifications are created to notify you when your vendor receives money for the first time - creating an automatic account in the accepted currency. Each time an account balance is created or disabled, you'll get a webhook notification to your server, indicating its current status.

The body will include the following object:

ParameterAlways AvailableTypeDescription
eWalletIdyesstringAccount unique identifier
vendorIdnostringThe unique ID of the vendor's Account.
If the Account belongs to the platform, it will return null
platformIdyesstringUnique ID of the platform
currencyyesenumUSD, GBP, EUR
statusyesstringEwallet Status ("created")