Onboarding Statuses
From initial registration, and up until the point in which a vendor is fully approved, UNIPaaS will set and communicate (via the onboarding/update webhook) a set of statuses that reflect the vendor’s permissions to accept payments, withdraw funds, and the stage in which the vendor’s onboarding is currently on.
The set of statuses is relevant for all types of vendors and are per the following:
Indication | What it represents |
Onboarding status | Represents the vendor's state and progress in the onboarding process using a set of statuses explained in the table below. The onboarding status also helps your platform communicate to the vendors if any additional information is required from them during the onboarding process. |
Pay in status | Indicates if a vendor can accept payments |
Pay out status | Indicates if a vendor can payout his payable balance |
Onboarding statuses breakdown
Status name | Value | Can accept payments | Can pay out | Description and actions |
Pending | PENDING | No | No | The vendor was created but has not started the onboarding process yet |
Started | STARTED | No | No | Vendor has started the onboarding process, but has not finished any of the steps |
Accept Payments | ACCEPT_PAYMENTS | Yes, with limitations | No | Vendor has completed the first onboarding step and signed the Merchant Service Agreement. |
Restricted | RESTRICTED | Yes, with limitations | No | Vendor has completed the full onboarding flow, but has not accepted any payments. Vendor will not be reviewed by UNIPaaS until the first payment is accepted |
In Review | IN_REVIEW | Yes in most cases, with limitations | No | The vendor has both completed the onboarding flow and accepted at least one payment. The vendor is being reviewed by UNIPaaS, no action needs to be taken by the vendor. |
Action Required | ACTION_REQUIRED | Yes in most cases, with limitations | No | This vendor needs to provide additional/revised information. Once a vendor receives an Action Required status, the best practice is to load the UNIPaaS onboarding UI for the vendor, it will automatically show the relevant fields. To help you understand what caused the action required status, there is an 'Action' field attached to it, as per the following: Additional_information - Additional information / revision was requested by the UNIPaaS compliance team.Payments_limit_reached - The vendor has reached the maximum amount of payments he can accept before being fully approved. Vendor must complete the onboarding flow to trigger a review.Activation_deadline_reached - Vendor has accepted a payment, but did not complete the onboarding for over 30 days. Vendor must complete the onboarding flow to trigger a review. |
Completed | COMPLETED | Yes | Yes | The vendor has successfully completed the onboarding process |
Rejected | REJECTED | No | No | The vendor was rejected |
Vendor review
Your vendors will be reviewed by UNIPaaS only after they receive their first payment
Typical onboarding status flow
Please note that vendors can potentially receive the 'Action Required' status in any step of the onboarding, in cases which they are required to submit additional information to complete their onboarding process.
Onboarding for registered companies
The business onboarding process can be completed in a single flow or broken down into steps that include up to 5 parts, during which information about both the business and stakeholders will be collected and verified by UNIPaaS.
During the onboarding process, a vendor will get limited permissions to accept payments, even if the onboarding process is not completed yet or the vendor is still in review. The points in which a vendor will gain any limited permissions are explained by the checkpoints below.
The following is some of the mandatory information that is needed to complete the company onboarding process. Please note that the amount and type of collected information may vary according to each company's risk rating and other factors.
Part 1 - Business information
- Company legal name
- Company registration number
- Corporate and operational address
- Company email address
- Phone number
- MCC category
Part 2 - Information about the business stakeholders and UBOs
- Full name
- Date of birth
- Address
- Nationality
- Role or title
- % ownership of the business
- Passport / driver's license copy
- Accept the Merchant service agreement
Accepting payments checkpoint
Once all information in steps 1 & 2 is provided and verified, the vendor will be able to accept payments within a limited total amount.
Part 3 - Company bank account information
- Bank account holder name
- Account number
- Sort code
Part 4 - Documents
- Company incorporation document
- Bank statement / voided cheque
- proof of operation address
Onboarding for individuals and sole traders
The onboarding process for individuals includes 2 - 4 steps, depending on the risk rating of each specific vendor. The vendor's onboarding flow can be shortened if the platform provides some (or all) of the needed information before the vendors starts onboarding.
Pre-populated fields
You can pre-populate any of the following onboarding fields, every field you pre-populate is one less field for your vendor to fill.
Part 1 - Personal information
Successfully completing this part will allow vendors to accept payments up to a limited amount.
The following information is collected:
- First name
- Last name
- Date of birth
- Email address
- Phone number
- Address
- Profile URL (Pre-populated by the platform)
- Offered goods or services (Pre-populated by the platform)
- Service description (Pre-populated by the platform)
- Accept the Merchant service agreement
Accepting payments checkpoint
Once all information in part 1 is provided and verified, the vendor will be able to accept payments within a limited total amount.
Part 2 - Bank account information
Successfully completing this part will allow vendors to pay out the funds they have in their account.
UNIPaaS offers two methods for bank account verification:
- Direct connection via open banking, using Plaid.
- By collecting the following information manually:
- Bank account holder name
- Bank account number
- Sort code
After the first step is finished, the onboarding status will be updated to 'Restricted' or 'In Review' if a vendor as already accepted at least one payment.
Additional information
Additional action may be required to complete the onboarding at any step. The information requested may vary according to the documents needed for each vendor, these include, but not limited to:
- Bank statement
- Passport
- Utility bill
- Re-entering some of the previously filled fields for confirmation
Successfully completing this step, and accepting at least one payment, will allow UNIPaaS to conduct additional verification on this vendor and provide a final status.
Note: A vendor can be rejected at any stage, if verification fails.
Updated 3 months ago