Vendor UI: Implementation Guide

UI Web-Embeds offer an efficient and user-friendly way to integrate various functionalities into a web application, without requiring extensive coding effort. By embedding pre-built components directly into your platform's UI, you can save development time and resources, while also ensuring a consistent user experience across your platform thanks to customisation options.

When starting the integration process, it is important to select the components that you intend to implement. This will allow you to handle DOM Events correctly, establish clear boundaries from the outset and successfully complete the integration.

Meet the UI Web-Embeds


  1. Authorization
  2. Installation
  3. Implementation of UI Web-Embeds
    1. Onboarding
    2. Pay Portal
    3. Notifications
    4. Invoice
    5. Balance
    6. Mandate Request
  4. Updating UI Web-Embeds
  5. DOM EventListeners

1. Authorization

In order to load UI Web-Embeds in your platform, an authorized API call is needed in your backend with defined scopes and a vendor ID (if applicable) to generate the UNIPaaS access token.

Generate UI components access token

`curl -X POST ""
2  -H  "accept: application/json"
3  -H  "Authorization: Bearer <PLATFORM_SECRET_KEY>"
4  -H  "Content-Type: application/json"
5  --data-raw '{
6      "scopes": ["portal_read","portal_write","onboarding_write","invoice_read","invoice_write"],
7      "vendorId": "{vendorId}"
8   }'`
const request = require("request");
const url = "";
const secretKey = "<PLATFORM_SECRET_KEY>";
const vendorId = "<YOUR_VENDOR_ID>"; 
const scopes = ["portal_read", "portal_write", "onboarding_write" , "invoice_read" , "invoice_write"]

const options = {
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
        "Accept": "application/json",
        "Authorization": `Bearer ${secretKey}`,
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
    body: JSON.stringify({

request(options, function (error, response) {
    if (error) throw new Error(error);
scopesstringYESThe scopes portal_read, portal_write, onboarding_write, invoice_read and invoice_write included in this API request example, determine the level of access required to perform specific actions, similar to GET and POST methods
vendorReferencestringYESThe user id on your system
vendorIdstringNOA vendor ID is a unique identifier for the vendor requesting API access.
You can obtain a vendor ID when you create a vendor on your platform

Note! If you don't have a vendor ID, do not include the parameter in your API request, then a public access token will be issued



If you don't have a vendor ID, do not include the parameter in your API request, then a public access token will be issued.

Response example

  "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzY29wZXMiOlsib25ib2FyZGluZ193cml0ZSIsInBheW91dF93cml0ZSIsImxpbmtfd3JpdGUiLCJvbmJvYXJkaW5nX3dyaXRlIiwibm90aWZpY2F0aW9uX3dyaXRlIiwiY29uZmlnX3JlYWQiLCJkaXJlY3RfZGViaXRfd3JpdGUiLCJld2FsbGV0X3JlYWQiLCJwdWJsaWNfY29uZmlnX3JlYWQiLCJsaW5rX3JlYWQiLCJvbmJvYXJkaW5nX3JlYWQiLCJub3RpZmljYXRpb25fcmVhZCIsImNvbmZpZ19yZWFkIl0sInZlbmRvcklkIjoiNjNkN2E2Njk4NGFkZDc5YWU2YmFmZDg3IiwibWVyY2hhbnRJZCI6IjYxZTZlOTdmZjEyNDJiODIwYzlkNWM4MSIsImVudiI6ImRldiIsImlhdCI6MTY4MTg1MTQ5MCwiZXhwIjoxNjgxODUzMjkwfQ.q5dCR3zfuEWCTG8HdvfEtlY7BmHxvJL0PFinlJSe8uQ",
  "expiresIn": 3600,
    "scopes": [
  "vendorId": "63d7a66984add79ae6bafd87",
  "merchantId": "61e6e97ff1242b820c9d5c81",
  "env": "sandbox"
accessTokenstringAccess token for the UI Web-Embeds
expiresInstringTime until the access token expires (in seconds)
scopesstringList of permissions granted for the access token
vendorIdstringUnique identifier for the vendor requesting access
merchantIdstringUnique identifier for the platform associated with the vendor
envstringThe environment in which the access token was issued


This access token is valid for one hour, and it will be automatically refreshed whenever a UI Web-Embed communicates with the UNIPaaS servers.


portal_readGrants all GET permissions required for using UI Web-Embeds on your platform
portal_writeGrants all POST permissions required for using UI Web-Embeds on your platform
onboarding_writeGrants specific POST permissions required for using Onboarding UI Web-Embeds on your platform

2. Installation

Script tag

Start with placing the following script tag element inside of the <head> of your HTML page:

<script type="application/javascript" src=""></script>

This script tag loads the JavaScript code that provides the functionality for implementing UNIPaaS UI Web-Embeds on a webpage. When the script is loaded and executed, it will create an object in the memory that contains methods for instantiating and interacting with the UI Web-Embeds.

General configuration

Place the following script tag element below the closing </body> tag of your HTML page.
This script is used to initialize and configure UNIPaaS UI Web-Embeds on a web page.

<script type="text/javascript">
  const config_general = {
    paymentsEnabled: true,
    theme: { 
        colors: { 
            primaryColor: "#2F80ED", 
            secondaryColor: "#687B97", 
            accentTextColor: "#2F80ED", 
            primaryButtonColor: "#2F80ED" 
        fontFamily: "inherit",
        boxShadow: "0px 3px 15px rgba(27, 79, 162, 0.11)" 
    const components = unipaas.components("<accessToken>", config_general);
paymentsEnabledbooleanYESIndicates whether the UNIPaaS-powered embedded payments are enabled as the default payment provider for the vendor associated with the API request

If set to true, it means that the UNIPaaS-powered embedded payments are available for use

If set to false, it means that the vendor has chosen another payment provider/no online payments as a default option


Theme customisation allows to match the visual design of the components with your product.

colors.primaryColorstringRepresents the primary color used for UI Web-Embeds
colors.secondaryColorstringRepresents the secondary color used for UI Web-Embeds
colors.accentTextColorstringRepresents the font color used for headers of UI Web-Embeds
colors.primaryButtonColorstringRepresents the font color used for primary buttons of UI Web-Embeds
fontFamilystringRepresents the font family used for UI Web-Embeds
Please use inherit to align the font family to the one used in your platform
boxShadowstringRepresents the box shadow applied to UI Web-Embeds, used to create a shadow effect

3. Implementation of UI Web-Embeds

To gain more knowledge of the UI Web-Embeds logic and identify the appropriate location for implementing them within your platform, please refer to the UI Web-Embeds overview.



Please note that when mounting a component using a selector, the component should not be mounted more than once per selector. Mounting a component more than once can lead to unexpected behavior and issues.

To avoid this, make sure to check whether the component has already been mounted before calling the mount method.



Allocate the minimal space for this component as follows:
Width - 450 pixels

Create a container

Place the following script tag element below the closing </body> tag of your HTML page.
Make sure to assign a unique ID to the container so that it can be easily identified and accessed.

<div id="onboarding"></div>

Create and mount an instance below the container

Create an instance of it and mount it to the container DOM node in your page. This should be done after the previous div has finished loading.

const onboarding = components.create("onboarding");

Pay portal


Allocate the minimal space for this component as follows:
Width - 970 pixels
Height - 900 pixels

Create a container

Place the following div tag element inside the <body> tag of your HTML page.
Make sure to assign a unique ID to the container so that it can be easily identified and accessed.

<div id="pay_portal"></div>

Create and mount an instance below the container

Place the following script tag element below the closing </body> tag of your HTML page.

Create an instance of it and mount it to the container DOM node in your page. This should be done after container (the previous div) has finished loading.

<script type="text/javascript">
  const payPortal = components.create("payPortal");

Umount an instance

To unmount the instance please use the following method:

<script type="text/javascript">

View code sample available on UNIPaaS Github



Allocate the minimal space for this component as follows (for the clickable icon):
Width - 30 pixels
Height - 30 pixels

Create a container

Place the following div tag element inside the <body> tag of your HTML page.
Make sure to assign a unique ID to the container so that it can be easily identified and accessed.

<div id="notification"></div>

Create and mount an instance below the container

Place the following script tag element below the closing </body> tag of your HTML page.

Create an instance of it and mount it to the container DOM node in your page. This should be done after container (the previous div) has finished loading.

<script type="text/javascript">
  const config_notif = {
    icon: {
      url: '', 
      size: 30 
  const notification = components.create("notification", config_notif);
icon.urlstringNOBell icon URL
icon.sizestringNOBell icon height and width in pixels


Invoice UI Web-Embed should be implemented within 3 types of pages:

  1. New sales invoice - typically includes fields for inputting customer information, item descriptions, prices, and other relevant details related to the sales invoice creation process.
  2. Edit sales invoice - typically includes fields for modifying an existing sales invoice information, item descriptions, prices, and other relevant details related to the sales invoice.
  3. View sales invoice - typically includes fields for viewing an existing sales invoice information.



Allocate the minimal space for this component as follows:
Width - 475 pixels
Height - 250 pixels

New sales invoice page

Create a container

Place the following div tag element inside the <body> tag of your HTML page.
Make sure to assign a unique ID to the container so that it can be easily identified and accessed.

<div id="invoice"></div>

Create and mount an instance below the container

Place the following script tag element below the closing </body> tag of your HTML page.

Create an instance of it and mount it to the container DOM node in your page. This should be done after container (the previous div) has finished loading.

<script type="text/javascript">
  const config_invoice = {
    mode: 'create', 
    customer: {
      reference: '1234567', 
      name: 'John Doe', 
      email: '[email protected]',
    invoice: {
      reference: 'INV-123',
  }; // UNIPaaS Components Invoice config type
  const invoice = components.create("invoice", config_invoice);
modestringYESIndicates the type of the invoice page - is the user creating a new invoice, editing or viewing an existing invoice
For creating a new sales invoice mode 'create' is required
customer.referencestringYES*Represents the unique identifier for the customer associated with the invoice.
* Required for Direct Debit.
customer.namestringYES*Represents the name of the customer associated with the invoice.
* Required for Direct Debit.
customer.emailstringNORepresents the email address of the customer associated with the invoice.
invoice.referencestringYESRepresents the unique identifier for the invoice.

Update invoice method

See update invoice method.

Edit & View Sales Invoice

Create a container

Place the following div tag element inside the <body> tag of your HTML page.
Make sure to assign a unique ID to the container so that it can be easily identified and accessed.

<div id="invoice"></div>

Create and mount an instance below the container

Place the following script tag element below the closing </body> tag of your HTML page.

Create an instance of it and mount it to the container DOM node in your page. This should be done after container (the previous div) has finished loading.

<script type="text/javascript">
  const config_invoice = {
    mode: 'edit', 
    customer: {
      reference: '1234567', 
      name: 'John Doe', 
      email: '[email protected]',
   invoice: {
      reference: 'INV-123', 
  const invoice = components.create("invoice", config_invoice);
modestringYESIndicates the type of the invoice page.
Is the user is creating a new invoice, editing or viewing an existing invoice.
For editing an existing invoice mode: 'edit' is required.
For viewing an existing invoice mode: 'view' is required.
customer.referencestringYES*Represents the unique identifier for the customer associated with the invoice.
* Required for Direct Debit.
customer.namestringYES*Represents the name of the customer associated with the invoice.
* Required for Direct Debit.
customer.emailstringNORepresents the email address of the customer associated with the invoice.
invoice.referencestringYESRepresents the unique identifier for the invoice.

Update invoice method

See update invoice method.

Update invoice method

When a customer is selected during invoice creation or editing, it is important to use the invoice.update method. This will let UNIPaaS know which payment options are available for the selected customer, and will change the invoice component in real time to reflect this.

It should be used while users are filling out the mandatory invoice fields using your platform's UI, before they save a new invoice.
Please call the update method with the customer data (you can call this method multiple times with the customer object or with the invoice object separately).

   customer: {
      reference: '1234567',
      name: 'John Doe', 
      email: '[email protected]',
   invoice: {
      reference: 'INV-123', 
customer.referencestringYES*Represents the unique identifier for the customer associated with the invoice.
* Required for Direct Debit.
customer.namestringYES*Represents the name of the customer associated with the invoice.
* Required for Direct Debit.
customer.emailstringNORepresents the email address of the customer associated with the invoice.
invoice.referencestringNORepresents the unique identifier for the invoice.



Whenever there is a customer selected, you should update the invoice. This applies to when a customer is changed (customer A was selected and now customer B is selected) as well as if there is a default customer selection (customer C is selected by default when the invoice page loads).



Allocate the minimal space for this component as follows:
Width - 490 pixels
Height - 420 pixels

Create a container

Place the following div tag element inside the <body> tag of your HTML page.
Make sure to assign a unique ID to the container so that it can be easily identified and accessed.

<div id="balance"></div>

Create and mount an instance below the container

Place the following script tag element below the closing </body> tag of your HTML page.

Create an instance of it and mount it to the container DOM node in your page. This should be done after container (the previous div) has finished loading.

<script type="text/javascript">
  const balance = components.create("balance");

Mandate request


Allocate the minimal space for this component as follows:
Width - 520 pixels
Height - 665 pixels

Create a container

Place the following div tag element inside the <body> tag of your HTML page.
Make sure to assign a unique ID to the container so that it can be easily identified and accessed.

<div id="request_mandate"></div>

Create and mount an instance below the container

Place the following script tag element below the closing </body> tag of your HTML page.

Create an instance of it and mount it to the container DOM node in your page. This should be done after container (the previous div) has finished loading.

<script type="text/javascript">
  const config_mandate = { 
    customer: {
      reference: '1234567', 
      name: 'John Doe', 
      email: '[email protected]',
  const request_mandate = components.create("requestMandate", config_mandate);
customer.referencestringYESRepresents the unique identifier for the customer on your platform associated with the mandate request.
customer.namestringYESRepresents the name of the customer associated with the mandate request.
customer.emailstringNORepresents the email address of the customer associated with the mandate request.

4. Updating UI Web-Embeds

The reset method in UI Web-Embeds enables the updating of data within their instances while ensuring intelligent and seamless management of these changes.

This method is designed to be implemented across all currently mounted components.

<script type="text/javascript">
		accessToken: "<newAccesstoken>"

5. DOM Event Listeners

UI Web-Embeds fire DOM events to let you know of any user action taking place within each UI Web-Embed but refer to other areas of your platform, so you could act according to the user’s intent.

Create DOM event listeners

Place the following script tag element at the very bottom, below the closing </body> tag of your HTML page.

components.on("paymentsEnable",  (e) => {
  console.log("paymentsEnable event", e.detail);
components.on("startOnboarding",  (e) => {
  console.log("startOnboarding event", e.detail);
components.on("completeOnboarding",  (e) => {
  console.log("payPortal event", e.detail);
components.on("payPortal",  (e) => {
  console.log("payPortal event", e.detail);
components.on("invoicePage",  (e) => {
  console.log("payPortal event", e.detail);
components.on("buyerPage",  (e) => {
  console.log("payPortal event", e.detail);
components.on("onboardingFinished",  (e) => {
  console.log("onboardingFinished event", e.detail);

DOM events will be received in the following format, e.detail, and may include a payload:

invoiceId: "INV1234"

Handle DOM events

EventDescriptionActionUI Web-Embeds
startOnboardingThis event is triggered when a user expresses their intent to register with your UNIPaaS-powered embedded payments solution.

This event is applicable only to new users who have not yet started registration.
Redirect the user to the Create New Vendor flow on your platform

Learn how to create a vendor
Pay Portal, Notification, Invoice, Balance
completeOnboardingThis event is triggered when a user expresses their intent to complete registration with your UNIPaaS-powered embedded payments solution.Redirect the user to the UNIPaaS Embedded Onboarding Component / Hosted Onboarding link

Learn more about vendor onboarding
Pay Portal, Notification, Invoice, Balance

{invoiceId: "{string}"
This event is triggered when a user expresses their intent to view a specific invoice.

The event includes the invoice number as a payload.
Redirect a user to the relevant invoice page in your platformPay Portal, Notification

{buyerId: "{string}"}
This event is triggered when a user expresses their intent to view a specific customer's profile.

The event includes the buyer ID as a payload.
Redirect a user to the relevant customer page in your platformPay Portal, Notification

{queryParam?: "{string}"}
This event is triggered when a user expresses their intent to view the Pay Portal (embedded component) or a specific tab of it.

The event may include a query parameter as a payload.

{queryParam?: "page=payments"}
Redirect the user to the UNIPaaS embedded Pay Portal in your platform.
If a query parameter is included, add it to the page URL's query string
Notification, Balance
enablePaymentsThis event is triggered when a user expresses their intent to enable the UNIPaaS-powered embedded payments solution in your platform when it is disabledRedirect the user to the settings page in your platform, where they can enable the payment solution and set it as a default payment optionInvoice

{status: "{string}"
This event is triggered when a user finishes filling out the onboarding fields and presses "Finish" after submitting the onboarding form.

The event includes an onboarding status as a payload.

{status: "IN_REVIEW"}

Learn more about onboarding statuses
Handle this event according to the user experience defined on your platform. For example, you can display a message to the user. If the onboarding form was opened as a modal window, you can close it.Onboarding