Webhook Notifications

Account notifications

Subscribe to the eWallet/create webhook to get notifications when an account was created or disabled for one of your vendors. An account will be created via an API call, or automatically, when your vendor receives a payment for the first time.

The body will include the following object:

ParameterAlways AvailableTypeDescription
idYesStringYour account ID
merchantIdYesStringYour Merchant ID
vendorIdNoStringYour Vendor ID
currencyYesEnum'GBP', 'USD', 'EUR'

Account transactions notifications

Subscribe to the eWalletTransaction/create webhook to get notifications when an account transaction associated with one of your vendors is created.

The body will include the following object:

ParamaterAlways AvailableTypeDescription
idYesStringYour account transaction ID
merchantIdYesStringYour Merchant ID
vendorIdYesStringYour Vendor ID
feesYesNumberThe fees taken in this transaction
amountYesNumberThe transaction's total amount
netAmountYesNumberThe transaction's net amount
pendingAmountYesNumberThe amount that was not yet reconciled
payableAmountYesNumberThe amount that is ready to be paid out
reservedAmountYesNumberThe amount that was reserved by UNIPaaS
payableBalanceYesNumberThe payable balance at the time of the transaction
brandNoStringName of bank, APM or credit card company.
currencyYesEnum'GBP', 'USD', 'EUR'
referenceYesStringThe transaction's reference number. This can be used to store order ID
paymentMethodYesEnum'bankTransfer', 'card', 'alternative'
payoutIdNoStringIf the transaction is a payout, it's ID will be here
ewalletIdYesStringThe transaction's account ID
createdAtYesDateWhen the transaction occured

Account transactions - indicate paid out transactions

Use Payout Drill Through to indicate if a specific transaction was paid out to the vendor's bank account.