Creating vendors by referral

In case your platform uses a referral flow to invite vendors to your payments product (for example: an accountant inviting their customers to accept payments via your platform), you should pass information about both the referrer and the referred parties to UNIPaaS upon creation.

General referral flow

The following describes a typical referral flow, with actions that must be taken on each step:

User flowTechnical steps
A new referrer invites a vendor to join your payments product1. Create a vendor for the referrer using a regular create vendor' API call.

2. Save the referrer's vendorid for later

3. Create the vendor using a create vendor API call, add the referrer's vendorid to the referrerVendorId field. (see example below)
An existing referrer invites a vendor to join your payments product1. Create the vendor using a create vendor API call, add the relevant referrer's vendorid to the referrerVendorId field. (see example below)

Integration example

The following example uses the create vendor API call that is used to create all vendors in UNIPaaS.

1. Creating a referrer
Creating a referrer (accountant) profile is exactly same as creating any other vendor:

  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "email": "",
  "country": "GB",
  "type": "individual"

The response will include the referrer's vendorid, which will be used to link the vendors they invited:

  "id": "63ea04cf6d3161e1ba997d52", // Used to connect to invited vendors
  "name": "John Doe",
  "email": "",
  "createdAt": "2029-02-13T09:37:19.286Z",
  "updatedAt": "2029-02-13T09:37:19.286Z",
  "merchantId": "62c3ee08f396b3c46e240044"

2. Linking an invited vendor to their referrer

When creating a vendor that was referred by a referrer, use the referrerVendorId field to link the vendor with their referrer.

  "businessName": "New Vendor",
  "firstName": "John",
  "lastName": "Doe2",
  "email": "",
  "country": "GB",
  "phone": "+447911123456",
  "birthDate": "1980-01-01",
  "serviceDescription": "Fast delivery",
  "url": "",
  "category": "FOOD_DELIVERY",
  "type": "individual",
  "referrerVendorId":"63ea04cf6d3161e1ba997d52", // Referrer's vendor id 
  "createOnboardingLink": true
